Making property management simple

RTO Property Management works exclusively with industry professionals to make sure you're home or property stays safe & clean year round without you having to deal with rent collection, maintenance, out of the ordinary calls or other aspects of travel and & leisure.

Our mission is to give real estate owners of all kinds peace of mind when subletting through our agency.

We're here to guide professionals & travellers alike through the process of securing housing for your next travel assignment and connect you to elegant & modern properties for all your professional traveling needs!

On the front end, you give us all the details of your perfect dream stay (whether long-term or short-term) and we go to work on the back end pairing you with the perfect property. Yes, it’s that easy!  And to make things even better, all of our properties are fully furnished, include all utilities, free Wi-Fi & resort-style amenities, and are hosted by the owner.

We understand the real estate world: As medium term and corporate housing specialists, we are committed to marketing & finding the right client temporary housing, just for them. We understand that even one month of vacancy is not the position you want to be in. Our team is responsible for acquiring, vetting and hiring the personnel needed for your property to stay clean and exactly the way you left it.

Why This Strategy Works

This new method of acquiring clients and guests alike serves many industries and types of clientele. This makes it ideal for companies like ours to fill in any vacancy period, a landlord or private owner might face.

Our History

We began in 2019 and developed a passion for corporate housing, especially with the unsuspecting demand as we grew through Covid era turbulence. With a steady increase in traveling healthcare jobs, business professionals and remote jobs - we saw the need and wanted to arise to the occasion for our guests.

White high pitched roofed houses